Saturday, August 27, 2011

Supernova Pinwheel

thunder of heaven! nous sommes baises!

You know it's a serious bear market day when Ursa Maior gets a friggin CROWN! Hot new supernova in the pinwheel galaxy!

In a long discussion of "the art" we are often reminded of the "star" which appears on the material at the final stage of the process. (you know, just before the northern lights go all bonkers and everybody gets killed).

This star (says F.) reminds us of the epiphany cake, the little bather, the fish (" oh see how I drown in this sea!" ) the urchin or erkina, or in french, il ourson, the little bear which is the constellation that contains the Pole Star, shining at the apex of the alchemical sky.

Now if Kiba only spoke Nahuatl (or one of a few other unrelated languages) he might have remembered that Cuetlachtli is not only the word for Wolf (as distinct from Coyotli) but it is also the word for bear. Well, at least Quent put them both in the short list of reasons for being well armed "if you go out to the woods tonight you're sure to get a big surprise!" it's no teddy bear picnic.

Now students of greek will recall that Polar Bear is arktos polaris, and that bear is in fact arktos, or arktikos depending on whether or not googletranslate is to be trusted.

Arth (welsh) arthur
Melda's Favorite beer: Stella Artois
Arktikos ( a proximite' d'el ours - "near the bear")

Poor Kiba, the wreched arctic wolf. He pretty much wiped out half a brigade of Jagera's troops. (ok so they we're asking for it). Part of Jagera's plan, no doubt, to make him even mo' miserble than he already am. It's a sort of Cognitive Dissonance, fill you with evil and suck the life out. All of that just makes it harder to forgive the evil done to you, and incidentally to prevent you from achieving what it was you came after to begin with.

"Ellie, are you sure you're ok? that's a bit on the bloody side for you. I think you'd better have a stiff one before you pass out, how about a nice chartreuse on the rocks? The heart of heaven is fixed while the earth spins out of control"

Huh? (Gah, this stuff is awful! Ar we out of miruvoir?)

"oh, just a bit of old carthusian doggerel, stator crux, mentras vuelta na rota mundi - and I'm not at all sure that Artois has ANYTHING to do with Artur - though it does pertain to the artesian well, fontsagrada, and whatnot."

I think i'd better sit down, I"m getting dizzy...

" 'a hisenno, skaal! - you know if we lived on the planet Uranos, our pole star would point at the heart of heaven, eta ophichae."

Yeah, but the long winters would be way too depressing.

"And speaking of gravity, dont forget the spacetime torsion."

Enough Melda! I thingmbtk I'm going to be sick!