Essais sur le fondation Alchemique de Wolf's Rain, (all the alchemy of WR they didnt talk about)- a bittersweet tale with a message of hope at the end of the fourth age.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Do you see it? The last full moon of 2011, and the last lunar eclipse before 2012? At this time this morning the earth, the sun and the moon and the galactic center are all in alignment (or about as close as they'll ever be) while the sun hides in the heart of Ophuichus.
Ok, so in Europe you're missing it, though if you are parked around the ring of fire you probably have a decent view.
Last year this bizzare event actually happened on 12/21, yes, another lunar eclipse.
Next year this event (no eclipse though) will take place on "the feast of innocents" The bath of stars, the.... anyhow.
But before then, you can have the pre-view, around the new moon on the night of June 19th, when the earth will stand between the the Galactic center with the moon and Sun on the other side.
And did you know that the first full moon of the year is sometimes called (what else) the wolf moon?
And next, a summary from ML... (assuming we dont get hacked) and Greetings from