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The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson

"Ellie, there's no way I'm doing an introduction. Do it yourself."

Hmph! Well, that went over well! There he goes like a shiba chasing after tanuki. I'd tell you more about Elluindil, but he'd be too embarassed to keep posting, so I'll be vague. I suppose it's obvious now, we're not wolves, we're Elves. Now Elluindil would make a snide comment that being elves, we have the same pointed ears but a lot less facial hair. This he calls humor. He made a plaque for my birthday:

homme ne suis, ni vala suy
ni periatan, ni gnomme de terre
Je suis i Melda Laure.

Ai yai yai! Knucklehead. His not so subtle way of reminding me not to be arrogand. Just for that, I'm linking theme music. And I'm copying his breezy informal style...

Funny thing about elves, there aren't a whole lot of us anymore, even if you account for all the duplicate naming conventions. Just as well, since nobody would want to listen to what we have to say anyways. Time has passed us by, we're sort of left overs.

But since Elluindil is positively OBSESSED with Wolf's Rain I suppose I have to put up with him. Of course this is just a bit off the beaten path. Meaning off the path we usually beat, which is nowhere near Japan, or television.

For the last 500 years or so, that path has mostly been over North America, and not surprisingly, well, things are a bit different in the last 150 years. I suppose that it was that disastrous mess the wasitchu call the Ghost Dance that intrigued Elli so much. It's all but completely forgotten. Then about a year ago he stuffs this DVD under my nose saying YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS...

I'm sorry, I don't do television.

Well there you have it. The world is a smaller place than I thought. Than we thought. Thanks to the internet of course. Chilaism is not so rare a topic anymore, and, well, 2012 is now a hot and trendy fad. (Can we go back to the old days when people cared more about living than about how it all ends?).

No wonder Kiba is looking for paradise. This whole world looks like she all crooked now. 1000 years of effort down the tubes? Yeah I have a bit of sympathy for Yaiden-san. But I'm not bitter about it. Let's just say that wolves are hard to kill, they keep comming back. Stupid nobles forgot about that. Now they're done with the natives, they'd kill everybody next time. Oh, geez!

(only they cant- cuz they're not in charge.) -EL


Well, You can refer to me as Melda Laure. Maybe you've heard of me from the old USA-gold forum. But probably not. It doesn't matter. After a couple of millennia, you learn many things and start forgetting as many. My partner in crime would disagree, but he's a youngster, so go easy on him, and his elvish stinks, so don't take anything he writes in Quenya as authoritative. Elluindil still acts like a teenager. I have no idea why. But then again, he LIKES humans.

Technically, he's my second cousin - hard to believe, we look nothing alike - but can we please end all the silly speculations now. What is wrong with you people?@!

Anyhow, the last 150 years have been pretty rough. I wont remind you what it's been like - it's kinda like Iraq, only it's been going on since 1492. Forgive me then if I sometimes am a bit snotty about the people who now call this place home. I miss the way it used to be. At least with the Celtic invasion it sort of moderates the whole catastrophe.

I'm tired of all the fear-mongering movies, (I dont watch them), and the garbage news media (dont listen to them). So it's a rare day that you'll ever get to see real story telling anymore. It's all been weaponized. You might as well be wearing one of Jagera's collars.

Over the last 5000 years we've seen some pretty crazy stuff. But nothing like the stuff they had back 15,000 years ago. Ellie wont talk about that. Frankly, I think he cant quite remember. Let's just say that the last 150 years have brought back some OLD memories. Guys like Tesla, Galen Hieronymus, Andrew Crosse, JC Maxwell, Ruth Drown, and there have been some really nice people too: Luther Burbank, Raymond Rife, GW Carver. Try to imagine someone with the brains of Darcia and the heart of Toboe. Well I guess you cant. These people were a bit too early. But the day will come. It is coming soon. But then again, I think in elf-years, not wolf-years.

Alchemy is a real science.

But of course science is a dirty word. Like economics, like medicine. All brought to you by the corrupt monkey minds that brought you nuclear weapons, central banking, and Vioxx and Viagra. This is what the nobles call progress. Now the freaks have figured out how to weaponize storytelling, as if buggering the scriptures wasn't enough. I don't want to say too much about Islam, because I'm not qualified, but their comment that all other scripture has been "tinkered" with is all too true- say it's been politicized and you strike nearer the truth. I'm not saying its lies, I'm saying you have to watch out for all the liars. For every Lord Orkham, there's a 1000 klutzes in his employ. Shucks, a lot of them are actually pretty nice folks. Geez, I'm going to start crying if I'm not careful.

(here have a tissue box.. - EL)

I have no idea what ever possessed Keiko-san to write such an amazing story. I'm going to take the comments of one staff person that "paradise hadn't come into it" at the beginning. Maybe it was her idea; all the same, you have to realize that the wolves of the great beyond have their own ideas. And as Gandalf would say "and that is a comforting thought". Or it ought to be. The nobles only think they're in charge.

You'll find that we often refer to the works of JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis. For it was Prof. Tolkien who always insisted that behind all myth lies dimly remembered truth; only his idea of that truth is a bit more than what most narrow minds are able to accept! That might get you to thinking that I (or especially Ellie) are some sort of crypto-christians. Ummm... Look, we don't want to insult Lady Nobumoto by changing the subject, and remember, I've been wandering around this place since long before Abraham...

Or "Atlantis" (and its sister kingdom).

How can I explain this. You short timers assign names to mountains that have existed far longer than you - now I am to explain what I have witnessed of a world view that is only two hundred years old, or two thousand?

And, no, I'm not going to discuss how to fashion the philosopher's stone. Well, not in any chemical sense. Fugheddaboutit! Ditto how to turn yourself into a wolf nicuetlachtlin! - (you're on there, nicoyotl, way too dangerous).

No, this is all about Wolf's Rain. It's all about why so many of you liked it, and why you are all Kiba and Toboe obsessed. It's nominally about the future. Your future. It is about alchemy, which is the sort of science that requires either advanced knowledge of chemistry, and physics (far in excess of the garbage that they teach at university these days) or a deep knowledge of history and literature and language. But as is the way of such things, you already know these things. You knew them, but have forgotten. And now it is time that someone remind you. Or at least kick you off the wall.

I now know this, for the wolves of the great beyond have spoken through Lady Nobumoto. And this is the sign which shows that it is now high time. I did not want to believe this, I did not even want to believe Dr. Oren Lyons, council fire keeper of the Onandaga nation. Elluindil convinced me, it wasn't 9/11 or Katrina that did it. It is now obvious what is happening (well it is to me anyways).

Is there not a voice that is calling you? Seek - seek for paradise?

Seek for the sword that was broken, In imladris it dwells,
There shall counsels be spoken, stronger than morgul spells...

I dont know how long you will have to enjoy this effort or remember Wolf's Rain. As a story it is filled with a great sadness, and in the age to come, it just may not weather well. But I can assure you that whatever DOES remain will more than compensate.

See, we do not tell you what to do, nor where to fight. There is nowhere to go. You are here, and we walk this road with you, and with us all the unseen host beyond. Above all, do not fear, having always the will of Kiba, do not despair, and have always the heart of Toboe, for the world will need you all as the age passes into the next.

For the world does not end. It is reborn. And the actual reality will be a lot less messy and ambiguous than Wolf's Rain when you finally wake to find that you never were alone.

Anyways as my old master GilGalad would say to me, (back when I was just a pup- if you can imagine that)

"May the valar keep you, may the light of Eru always shine in your eyes, and guide your heart, for above us all the stars cannot cease to shine, whatever else befall."