カルタゴは、 破壊
Looks like Kiba has learnt to write. Ben Bernanke got up this morning and there was a scrawl in the snow outside his bedroom window (in August? what's the world comming to!). The FBI reported back to him. "Sir, it's wolf piss - and we think the writing is in some form of archaic Japanese. But we cant figure it out - there are no wolves in Japan."
That's the stupiddest logic I've ever heard, who the BLEEP cares! Just tell me What the flook does it say!
"A message from heaven: Say to the west, Bab-il-Lon is Destroyed." That's what we think it says- actually it says literally "the gateway of heaven is forever barred from you" The translators are still arguing.
What, cant you read the eff-ing handwriting? Go arrest that Martin Armstrong guy!
"It's no good sir, there's too many paw prints."
Well enough of the zerohedge.com theatre. I suppose that's breaking the protocols isn't it?
"It's your rules, Meldasama"
It's not POLITICS - it's satire!
"Whatever, there's no need to go all italic on me - I wasn't complaining."
- ? -
"Dont give me that mouth-agape Kiba stare... anyhow, the whole point of this exercise wasn't about current events, even IF it all blows up en medias res, the whole point of this discussion is that irrespective of what the Television SAYS, the world isn't going to END...
... it's being REBORN, although it will have to pass through the crucible at least in some fashion - so no matter what the Nobles say on TV, we assert this message of hope:
Nya nya nya! Athpfffft! (wave's hindquarters)..."
Ellie, sometimes you make no sense at all!
"But- melda! it's YOUR STORY."
Aw, fugheddaboudit. NObody cares what happens in the market anyways. Just a bunch of stupid nobles grousing because their stupid moon crucible is going all wobbly in the knees. Usually about this time they start throwing virgins into the volcano, it'll make no difference but you think they could at least start with...
"ah, ah, ahhh- Now THAT IZ politics"
ok, okay!