Ai, cariad, did I not warn you that the war of the nobles is real? Did you think you could long avoid this reality? 滅びの日
Tell me what the Rain knows:
Oh is this the flood of fortune,
that breaks itself upon me,
Oh see how I drown in this sea...
You ask, what did they do to deserve such catastrophe? But already you know the answer: nothing.
That is the way of such things, or have the tears all blinded you? In order to transform the caterpillar into the butterfly, the former must be unmade, for man to repent he must first dash his head on the stone of destiny. How greatly I desire to wipe away all your tears, but this I cannot do yet. And theoretical discussions ("theo-rhetor") are such a poor substitute for direct experience which you must encounter and suffer for yourself, na kare indomelya... ai, such bitter words. These are given to you: to apply wisdom where it is warranted, apply prudence where it is called for, and show compassion where it is needed most. Come now, would Toboe ask such silly questions?
What schlemiel came up with the idea of storing that much spent fuel in one place?... Oh, the AMERICANS! Of course! Damn Fool Cowboys. Baw! Were there no other choices? Then why do they spend so much on cold fusion research? What did the old master say "threaten them with death, and they will live." Threatened they have been, now what will they do? Now how will they live? There is no place to go. The secrets of freedom lie within energy, and the secrets of energy are well known, but hidden away where the wolves cannot find them. Daro! I waste my words.
3/19 Damn! He's been crying for a week- well for three days, and when he couldn't anymore, he sat there by the kitchen door watching as the rain fell and the sky did his crying for him! Then on sunday he turns to me smiles and says.. "I know how this story ends... the nobles loose."